Brevard County Clerk of Courts
Official Records View Request

Submit a Request
To request a yearly subscription to Official Records View, please fill out the form below. You will be contacted at the telephone number provided below with your User ID and Password within 2 business days.

Please note:

In order to use the credit card payment option, you must agree to the payment of an added convenience fee of $2.00.

Credit Card Convenience Fees are as follows:

$.01 to $50.00 = $2.00
$50.01 to $100.00 = $2.95
Each Add'l $100.00 up to $1,000.00 = $2.00
Each Add'l $100.00 over $1,000.00 = 2.50

If you do not wish to pay by credit card, you may print the request form here, fill it out and bring it to our office with your payment.

Required Information.

City, State and Zip Code:
Email Address:
Payment Type:
Credit Card Type:
Credit Card Number:
Name On Credit Card:
Credit Card Expires: (mmyy)

By checking the declaration checkbox below you agree to the following:

I will safeguard the login and password and not permit any unauthorized user to use my login and password.

I will log off the system by closing my internet browser session after each use, taking precautionary measures to ensure unauthorized users do not have the ability to view the computer monitor.

Clicking here indicates that you understand and accept the conditions stated above.  

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